Jug (container)

jug is a type of containerused to hold liquid. It has an opening, often narrow, from which to pour or drink, and nearly always has a handle. One could imagine a jug being made from nearly any watertight material, but most jugs throughout history have been made from clay, glass, orplastic. Some Native Americanand other tribes created liquid holding vessels by making woven baskets lined with an asphaltum sealer. The slang term jug can also be used describe the breast of a woman, short for milk jug.
In American English usage, a jug is a large container with a narrow mouth and handle for liquids. In British English, and generally in English speaking countries outside North America, usage, a jug is any container with a handle and a mouth and spout for liquid - American "pitchers" are more likely to be called jugs elsewhere.

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