About Us

Ever since its inception, Rass d'sign n event sdn. bhd., has been providing high quality printing business opportunities at reasonable rates. our success is mainly due to prompt delivery and keeping an eye on quick turnaround times .

Rass d'sign n event sdn. bhd, undertakes offset and digital printing orders in full color for business cards, post cards, greeting cards, bookmarks, promotional flyers/brochures/posters, paper bags, corporate folders, booklets, 500gsm plastic cards, desktop calendars etc.

We have developed a comprehensive printing platform by collaborating with highly experienced professionals in the printing industry by inducting the latest in information technology, pre-press equipment, and printing presses, enables us to offer services very similar to a conventional offset printer, with a more streamlined processes that saves our customer time, cost and effort.

We attribute our success to time honoured hard work whilst taking pride in everything we do, using only the latest state of the art world-class computer aided technology. employing constantly updated software in the equipments helps us maintain high standards in delivering the best quality end product to our valuable dealers.

To maintain the consistency in quality, top-of-the-line computer-to-plate (ctp) equipment now eliminates the use of film, therefore making it possible to produce the kind of printing quality that printers have only dreamed about in the past.

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